On 12/23/2011 5:41 AM, Bhavnik Gajjar wrote:
• Consider this case.
In this example, consider that 'myserver' has been upgraded with Solr 3.5,
but 'remoteserver' is still using Solr 1.4. The question is, would data
from remoteserver's Solr instance come/parsed fine or, would it cause
issues? If it results into issues, then of what type? how to resolve them?
Please suggest.

To supplement the responses you have already gotten: All servers involved in a distributed query, including the one that is accessed and all the shards that are accessed from it, must run the same Javabin version. Solr 1.4.1 and earlier use javabin version 1 and everything newer uses javabin version 2. What you are proposing above will not work.

Hopefully you have two complete sets of servers, for redundancy. It would be a good idea to upgrade one server set, then upgrade the other. SOLR-2204 is in the works to make it possible to have these versions work together. I don't think it's been committed yet.


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