Forgot to add, that the time when I DO want the highlight to appear would be with a query that DOES match the default field.

{!lucene q.op=OR df=text_t}  kind_s:doc AND (( field_t:[* TO *] ))  cars

Where the term 'cars' would be matched against the df. Then I want the highlight for it.

If there are no query term matches for the df, then getting ALL the field terms highlighted (as it does now) is rather perplexing feature.


On 01/02/2012 06:28 PM, Darren Govoni wrote:
Hi Juan,
Setting that parameter produces the same extraneous results. Here is my query:

{!lucene q.op=OR df=text_t}  kind_s:doc AND (( field_t:[* TO *] ))

Clearly, the default field (text_t) is not being searched by this query and highlighting it would be semantically incongruent with the query.

Is it a bug?


On 01/02/2012 04:39 PM, Juan Grande wrote:
Hi Darren,

This is the expected behavior. Have you tried setting the
hl.requireFieldMatch parameter to true? See:


On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Darren Govoni<> wrote:

  Can someone tell me if this is correct behavior from Solr.

I search on a dynamic field:

field_t:[* TO *]

I set highlight fields to "field_t,text_t" but I am not searching
specifically inside text_t field.

The highlights for text_t come back with EVERY WORD. Maybe because of the
[* TO *], but
the query semantics indicate not searching on text_t even though
highlighting is enabled.

Is this correct behavior? it produces unwanted highlight results.

I would expect Solr to know what fields are participating in the query and
only highlight
those that are involved in the result set.


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