I will. Thanks.

> Hi Darren,
> Would you please tell us all the parameters that you are sending in the
> request? You can use the parameter "echoParams=all" to get the list in the
> output.
> Thanks,
> *Juan*
> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:37 PM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com> wrote:
>> Forgot to add, that the time when I DO want the highlight to appear
>> would
>> be with a query that DOES match the default field.
>> {!lucene q.op=OR df=text_t}  kind_s:doc AND (( field_t:[* TO *] ))  cars
>> Where the term 'cars' would be matched against the df. Then I want the
>> highlight for it.
>> If there are no query term matches for the df, then getting ALL the
>> field
>> terms highlighted (as it does now) is rather perplexing feature.
>> Darren
>> On 01/02/2012 06:28 PM, Darren Govoni wrote:
>>> Hi Juan,
>>>  Setting that parameter produces the same extraneous results. Here is
>>> my
>>> query:
>>> {!lucene q.op=OR df=text_t}  kind_s:doc AND (( field_t:[* TO *] ))
>>> Clearly, the default field (text_t) is not being searched by this query
>>> and highlighting it would be semantically incongruent with the query.
>>> Is it a bug?
>>> Darren
>>> On 01/02/2012 04:39 PM, Juan Grande wrote:
>>>> Hi Darren,
>>>> This is the expected behavior. Have you tried setting the
>>>> hl.requireFieldMatch parameter to true? See:
>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/**HighlightingParameters#hl.**
>>>> requireFieldMatch<http://wiki.apache.org/solr/HighlightingParameters#hl.requireFieldMatch>
>>>> *Juan*
>>>> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Darren Govoni<dar...@ontrenet.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>  Can someone tell me if this is correct behavior from Solr.
>>>>> I search on a dynamic field:
>>>>> field_t:[* TO *]
>>>>> I set highlight fields to "field_t,text_t" but I am not searching
>>>>> specifically inside text_t field.
>>>>> The highlights for text_t come back with EVERY WORD. Maybe because of
>>>>> the
>>>>> [* TO *], but
>>>>> the query semantics indicate not searching on text_t even though
>>>>> highlighting is enabled.
>>>>> Is this correct behavior? it produces unwanted highlight results.
>>>>> I would expect Solr to know what fields are participating in the
>>>>> query
>>>>> and
>>>>> only highlight
>>>>> those that are involved in the result set.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Darren

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