> *
> *
> This is not unusual, but there's also not much reason to give this much
> memory in your case. This is the cache that is hit when a user pages
> through result set. Your numbers would seem to indicate one of two things:
> 1> your window is smaller than 2 pages, see solrconfig.xml,
>    <queryResultWindowSize>
> or
> 2> your users are rarely going to the next page.
> this cache isn't doing you much good, but then it's also not using that
> much in the way of resources.

True it is. Although the queryResultWindowSize is 30, I will be reducing it
to 4 or so. And yes, we have observed that mostly people don't go beyond
the first page

> > documentCache
> >
> > lookups : 17647360
> > hits : 11935609
> > hitratio : 0.67
> > inserts : 5711851
> > evictions : 5707755
> > size : 4096
> > warmupTime : 0
> > cumulative_lookups : 19009142
> > cumulative_hits : 12813630
> > cumulative_hitratio : 0.67
> > cumulative_inserts : 6195512
> > cumulative_evictions : 6187460
> >
> Again, this is actually quite reasonable. This cache
> is used to hold document data, and often doesn't have
> a great hit ratio. It is necessary though, it saves quite
> a bit of disk seeks when servicing a single query.
> >
> > fieldValueCache
> >
> > lookups : 0
> > hits : 0
> > hitratio : 0.00
> > inserts : 0
> > evictions : 0
> > size : 0
> > warmupTime : 0
> > cumulative_lookups : 0
> > cumulative_hits : 0
> > cumulative_hitratio : 0.00
> > cumulative_inserts : 0
> > cumulative_evictions : 0
> >
> Not doing much in the way of faceting, are you?
No. We don't facet results

> >
> > filterCache
> >
> > lookups : 30059278
> > hits : 28813869
> > hitratio : 0.95
> > inserts : 1245744
> > evictions : 1245232
> > size : 512
> > warmupTime : 28005
> > cumulative_lookups : 32155745
> > cumulative_hits : 30845811
> > cumulative_hitratio : 0.95
> > cumulative_inserts : 1309934
> > cumulative_evictions : 1309245
> >
> >
> Not a bad hit ratio here, this is where
> fq filters are stored. One caution here;
> it is better to break out your filter
> queries where possible into small chunks.
> Rather than write fq=field1:val1 AND field2:val2,
> it's better to write fq=field1:val1&fq=field2:val2
> Think of this cache as a map with the query
> as the key. If you write the fq the first way above,
> subsequent fqs for either half won't use the cache.

That was a great advise. We do use the former approach but going forward we
would stick to the latter one.



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