OK, first question is why are you searching on two different values?
Is that intentional? 

yes - our users have to be able to locate a part or model number (that may
or may not have periods in that number) even if they do NOT enter the number
with the embedded periods.  


actual part number in our database is BP2.1UAA

however the user needs to be able to search on BP21UAA and find that part.

there are business reason why a user may see something different in the
field then is actually in the database.

does this make sense?

If I'm reading your problem right, you should
be able to get/not get any response just by toggling whether the
period is in the search URL, right? 

yes - simply put - the user MUST get a hit on the above mentioned part if
they enter BP21UAA or BP2.1UAA.

But assuming that's not the problem, there's something you're
not telling us. In particular, why is this parsing as "MultiPhraseQuer"?

sorry - i did not know i was doing this or how it happened - it was not
intentional and i did not notice this until your posting.  i am not sure of
the implications related to this or what it means to have something as a

Are you putting quotes in somehow, either through the URL or by
something in your solrconfig.xml?

i did not use quotes in the url - i cut and pasted the urls for my tests in
the message thread.  i do not see quotes as part of the url in my previous

what would i be looking for in the solrconfig.xml file that would force the

it seems that this is the crux of the issue - but i am not sure how to
determine what is manifesting the quotes?  as previously stated - the quotes
are not being entered via the url - they are pasted (in this message thread)
exactly as i pulled them from the browser.

thank you,

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