Some time ago I tested backported patch from
it works.


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Marian Steinbach <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm trying to figure out how to enable spatial search for my use case.
> I have documents that are in many cases associated with multiple geo
> locations. I'd like to filter documents by the minimum distance to a
> reference point (which is given at query time).
> What this means is: If at least one of the locations of a document
> lies within a certain radius of the point, it should be included in
> the result.
> Which field type can I use for this and how would I have to do the
> filtering?
> Sorting (by distance) isn't relevant at this point, but it might be in
> the future.
> The example in Solr 3.4 states in schema.xml for the fieldType
> "location" (field "store"): "A specialized field for geospatial
> search. If indexed, this fieldType must not be multivalued." If I used
> a field of type solr.LatLonType this would mean that I could have
> multivalued="true", but no indexing? This means that I couldn't do
> fast bounding box / range queries on the locations in order to narrow
> down the result for a distance filter, correct? So wich one is better?
> Thanks!
> Marian

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Lucid Certified
Apache Lucene/Solr Developer
Grid Dynamics


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