I'm trying, but so far I don't see anything. I'll have to try and mimic your 
setup closer it seems.

I tried starting up 6 solr instances on different ports as 2 shards, each with 
a replication factor of 3.

Then I indexed 20k documents to the cluster and verified doc counts.

Then I shutdown all the replicas so that only one instance served each shard.

Then I indexed 20k documents to the cluster.

Then I started the downed nodes and verified that they where in a recovery 

After enough time went by I checked and verified document counts on each 
instance - they where as expected.

I guess next I can try a similar experiment using multiple cores, but if you 
notice anything that stands out that is largely different in what you are 
doing, let me know.

The cores that are behind, does it say they are down, recovering, or active in 

On Feb 10, 2012, at 4:48 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:

> Sorry for pinging this again, is more information needed on this?  I
> can provide more details but am not sure what to provide.
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Jamie Johnson <jej2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, I shut down the full solr instance.
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Can you explain a little more how you doing this? How are you bringing the 
>>> cores down and then back up? Shutting down a full solr instance, unloading 
>>> the core?
>>> On Feb 10, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
>>>> I know that the latest Solr Cloud doesn't use standard replication but
>>>> I have a question about how it appears to be working.  I currently
>>>> have the following cluster state
>>>> {"collection1":{
>>>>    "slice1":{
>>>>      "JamiesMac.local:8501_solr_slice1_shard1":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice1",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice1_shard1",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"JamiesMac.local:8501_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://JamiesMac.local:8501/solr"},
>>>>      "JamiesMac.local:8502_solr_slice1_shard2":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice1",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice1_shard2",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"JamiesMac.local:8502_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://JamiesMac.local:8502/solr"},
>>>>      "jamiesmac:8501_solr_slice1_shard1":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice1",
>>>>        "state":"down",
>>>>        "core":"slice1_shard1",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"jamiesmac:8501_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://jamiesmac:8501/solr"},
>>>>      "jamiesmac:8502_solr_slice1_shard2":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice1",
>>>>        "leader":"true",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice1_shard2",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"jamiesmac:8502_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://jamiesmac:8502/solr"}},
>>>>    "slice2":{
>>>>      "JamiesMac.local:8501_solr_slice2_shard2":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice2",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice2_shard2",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"JamiesMac.local:8501_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://JamiesMac.local:8501/solr"},
>>>>      "JamiesMac.local:8502_solr_slice2_shard1":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice2",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice2_shard1",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"JamiesMac.local:8502_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://JamiesMac.local:8502/solr"},
>>>>      "jamiesmac:8501_solr_slice2_shard2":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice2",
>>>>        "state":"down",
>>>>        "core":"slice2_shard2",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"jamiesmac:8501_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://jamiesmac:8501/solr"},
>>>>      "jamiesmac:8502_solr_slice2_shard1":{
>>>>        "shard_id":"slice2",
>>>>        "leader":"true",
>>>>        "state":"active",
>>>>        "core":"slice2_shard1",
>>>>        "collection":"collection1",
>>>>        "node_name":"jamiesmac:8502_solr",
>>>>        "base_url":"http://jamiesmac:8502/solr"}}}}
>>>> I then added some docs to the following shards using SolrJ
>>>> http://localhost:8502/solr/slice2_shard1
>>>> http://localhost:8502/solr/slice1_shard2
>>>> I then bring back up the other cores and I don't see replication
>>>> happening.  Looking at the stats for each core I see that on the 8501
>>>> instance (the instance that was off) the number of docs is 0, so I've
>>>> clearly set something up incorrectly.  Any help on this would be
>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> - Mark Miller
>>> lucidimagination.com

- Mark Miller

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