Hi list,

we are using the kinda new JoinQuery feature in Solr 4.x Trunk and are facing a problem (and also Solr 3.5. with the JoinQuery patch applied) ... We have documents with a parent - child relationship where a parent can have any number of childs, parents being identified by the field "parentid".

Now after a join (from the field "parentid" to "id") to get the parent documents only (and to filter out the "variants"/childs of the parent documents), the document score gets "lost" - all the returned documents have a score of "1.0" - if we remove the join from the query, the scores are fine again. Here is an example call:


All the results now have a score of "1.0", which makes the order of results pretty much random and the scoring therefore useless... :( (the same applies for the "standard" query type, so it's not the dismax parser)

I can't imagine this is "expected" behaviour...? Is there an easy way to get the "right" scores for the joined documents (e.g. using the max. score of the childs)? Can the scoring of "joined" documents be configured somewhere / somehow?

Thanks a lot in advance,
best regards,

Mit den besten Grüßen aus Nürnberg,
Stefan Moises

Stefan Moises
Senior Softwareentwickler
Leiter Modulentwicklung

shoptimax GmbH
Guntherstraße 45 a
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Tel.: 0911/25566-25
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