I would say do both. If you have the capacity create a core for each and
one that combines it and do some tests.
There are pros and cons to both approaches. If you ever need joins in RDBMS
terms then you probably want one index.
If not then one index might still be a lot easier.
The only real reason to start splitting is if you hit resource constraints,
memory etc.
And then multiple cores won't necessarily solve the problems either.
Build one big index and see how it performs.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Abhishek tiwari <
abhishek.tiwari....@gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks for replying ..
> In our RDBMS schema we have Establishment/Event/Movie master relations.
> Establishment has title ,description , ratings,  tags, cuisines
> (multivalued), services (multivalued) and features  (multivalued) like
> fields..similarly in Event title, description, category(multivalued)  and
> venue(multivalued) ..fields..and in movies name,start date and end date
> ,genre, theater ,rating , review  like fields ..
>  we are having nearly 1 M data in each entity and movie and event expire
> frequently ....and we have to update on expire ....
> we are having the data additional to index data ( stored data)  to reduce
> RDBMS query..
> please suggest me how to proceed for schema design.. single core or
> multiple core for each entity?
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Gora Mohanty <g...@mimirtech.com> wrote:
> > On 6 March 2012 18:01, Abhishek tiwari <abhishek.tiwari....@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > i am new in solr  want help in shema design .  i have multiple entities
> > > like Event , Establishments and Movies ..each have different types of
> > > relations.. should i make diffrent core for each entities ?
> >
> > It depends on your use case, i.e., what would your typical searches
> > be on. Normally, using a separate core for each entity would be
> > unusual, and instead one would flatten out typical RDBMS data for
> > Solr.
> >
> > Please describe what you want to achieve, and people might be
> > better able to help you.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gora
> >

Willem Basson

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