I guess my question is "why are you using a catchall field at all"? This
is the kind of thing edismax was designed for, so your qf could just
contain all the fields with appropriate boosts, there aren't that many...

But what you're actually doing will probably work. I think if you're not
seeing DESCRIPTION in your explain, then the terms you're searching
on aren't in that field. But I could well be wrong there...

BTW, do you use this param? If not, it indents things much easier.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:05 AM, elisabeth benoit
<elisaelisael...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using solr 3.4 with a catchall field and an edismaw request handler.
> I'd like to score higher answers matching with words not contained in one
> of the fields copied into my catchall field.
> So my catchallfield is called catchall. It contains, let's say, fields
> For one query, I would like to have answers matching NAME, CATEGORY, TOWN
> and WAY scored higher, but I still want to search in DESCRIPTION.
> I tried
> qf=catchall DESCRIPTION^0.001,
> but this doesn't seem to change the scoring. When I set debutQuery=on,
> parsedquery_toString looks like
> (text:paus | DESCRIPTION:pause^0.001) (this seems like an OR to me)
> but I see no trace of DESCRIPTION in explain
> One solution I guess would be to keep DESCRIPTION in a separate filed, and
> do not include it in my catchall field. But I wonder if there is a solution
> with the catchall field???
> Thanks for your help,
> Elisabeth

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