You could use SolrCloud (for the automatic scaling) and just mount a
fuse[1] HDFS directory and configure solr to use that directory for its


On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 16:04 +0300, Ali S Kureishy wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup a large scale *Crawl + Index + Search *infrastructure
> using Nutch and Solr/Lucene. The targeted scale is *5 Billion web pages*,
> crawled + indexed every *4 weeks, *with a search latency of less than 0.5
> seconds.
> Needless to mention, the search index needs to scale to 5Billion pages. It
> is also possible that I might need to store multiple indexes -- one for
> crawled content, and one for ancillary data that is also very large. Each
> of these indices would likely require a logically distributed and
> replicated index.
> However, I would like for such a system to be homogenous with the Hadoop
> infrastructure that is already installed on the cluster (for the crawl). In
> other words, I would much prefer if the replication and distribution of the
> Solr/Lucene index be done automagically on top of Hadoop/HDFS, instead of
> using another scalability framework (such as SolrCloud). In addition, it
> would be ideal if this environment was flexible enough to be dynamically
> scaled based on the size requirements of the index and the search traffic
> at the time (i.e. if it is deployed on an Amazon cluster, it should be easy
> enough to automatically provision additional processing power into the
> cluster without requiring server re-starts).
> However, I'm not sure which Solr-based tool in the Hadoop ecosystem would
> be ideal for this scenario. I've heard mention of Solr-on-HBase, Solandra,
> Lily, ElasticSearch, IndexTank etc, but I'm really unsure which of these is
> mature enough and would be the right architectural choice to go along with
> a Nutch crawler setup, and to also satisfy the dynamic/auto-scaling aspects
> above.
> Lastly, how much hardware (assuming a medium sized EC2 instance) would you
> estimate my needing with this setup, for regular web-data (HTML text) at
> this scale?
> Any architectural guidance would be greatly appreciated. The more details
> provided, the wider my grin :).
> Many many thanks in advance.
> Thanks,
> Safdar

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