On 4/12/2012 4:52 AM, pcrao wrote:
I think the index is getting corrupted because StreamingUpdateSolrServer is
keeping reference
to some index files that are being deleted by EmbeddedSolrServer during
commit/optimize process.
As a result when I Index(Full) using EmbeddedSolrServer and then do
Incremental index using StreamingUpdateSolrServer it fails with a
FileNotFound exception.
  A special note: we don't optimize the index after Incremental
indexing(StreamingUpdateSolrServer) but we do optimize it after the Full
index(EmbeddedSolrServer). Please see the below log and let me know
if you need further information.

I am a relative newbie to all this, and I've never used EmbeddedSolrServer, only CommonsHttpSolrServer and StreamingUpdateSolrServer. I'm not even sure the embedded object is an option unless your program is running in the same JVM as Solr. Mine is separate.

If I am right about ESS needing to be in the same JVM as Solr, then that means it can do a more direct interaction with Solr and therefore might not be coordinated with the HTTP access that SUSS uses. I have read multiple times that the developers don't recommend using ESS. If you are going to use it, you probably have to do everything with it.

SUSS does everything in the background, so you have no guarantees as to when it will happen, as well as no ability to check for completion or errors. Because of the lack of error detection, I had to stop using SUSS.


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