On 4/12/2012 7:27 AM, geeky2 wrote:
currently, my schema has individual fields to search on.

are there advantages or disadvantages to taking several of the individual
search fields and combining them in to a single search field?

would this affect search times, term tokenization or possibly other things.

example of individual fields


example of a single combined search field

part_info (would combine brand, category and partno)

You end up with one multivalued field, which means that you can only have one analyzer chain. With separate fields, each field can be analyzed differently. Also, if you are indexing and/or storing the individual fields, you may have data duplication in your index, making it larger and increasing your disk/RAM requirements. That field will have a higher termcount than the individual fields, which means that searches against it will naturally be just a little bit slower. Your application will not have to do as much work to construct a query, though.

If you are already planning to use dismax/edismax, then you don't need the overhead of a copyField. You can simply provide access to (e)dismax search with the qf (and possibly pf) parameters predefined, or your application can provide these parameters.



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