I've been pestering you all with a series of questions about
disassembling and partially rescoring queries. Every helpful response
(thanks) has led me to further reading, and this leads to more
questions. If I haven't before, I'll apologize now for the high level
of ignorance at which I'm starting. This morning I'm wading in the
pool of subqueries.

An example from the wiki:

q=product(popularity, query({!dismax qf=text v='solr rocks'}))

What's the use/net effect of having a Q that amounts to a number? The
final number becomes the score, yes? Why doesn't this example have to
use _val_? Is there an assumed defType of func?

Reading QueryValueSource.java, I'm wondering about the speed of
something like this, or, more to the point, something like a
calculation on two queries. Does this iteratively run the subquery for
each document otherwise under consideration? I see some code that
might be an optimization here.

I'm also wondering, is there a way to express that I only want to see
results that meet some threshold value for a subquery?

Does _val_ (or the local param syntax) manufacture a field that
appears in returned documents? If so, is its name _val_? In which
case, can there be more than one?

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