Thanks for your reply :)
I have some new questions now:
1. How stable is trunk version? Has anyone used it on any kind of highload
project in production?
2. Does version 3.6 support near real time index update?
3. What is scheme of Solr index storing? Is it all in memory for each shard
or in disk with caching for frequently asked queries in memory?
4. The best practice for index updating is - to do delta imports each 5
minutes for example, and once a day - full rebuild index, does it take long
time for ~100 mln users? Am I right?
5. Does sharding and replications have native support in Solr, so everyting
I need to care about is config file for nodes? Are there any limitations of
usage such sorting if we use sharding?

The reason why we want to move from our DB search scheme (data is sharded
into small tables at several servers and managed in code) is that:
1. response time of our search isn't what we need (3-5 s now in production,
we want <1 s)
2. growing amount of data
3. we want automatically clustering any amount of data and search by it,
without need to care about how data stores and does it has durability or not

That's why we also looking other solutions with autosharding of huge amount
of data with ability to make such types of query and sorting (thinking
about Mysql Cluster, but it's not stable yet, or Oracle Cluster). If anyone
can give advice for such technology, I'll be glad to hear it.

2012/4/17 Jan Høydahl <>

> > Hi everyone :)
> Hi :)
> > So, these are my 3 questions:
> > 1. Does Solr provide searching among different count fields with
> different
> > types like in WHERE condition?
> Yes. As long as these are not full-text you should use filter queries for
> these, e.g.
> &q=*:*
> &fq=country:USA
> &fq=language:SPA
> &fq=age:[30 TO 40]
> &fq=(bool_field1:1 OR bool_field2:1)
> The reason why I put multiple "fq" instead of one long is to optimize for
> caching of filters
> > 2. Does Solr provide such sorting, that depends on other fields (like
> sums
> > in ORDER BY), other words - does it provide any kind of function, which
> is
> > used to sort results from q1?
> Yes. In trunk version you can sort by function which can do sums and all
> crezy things
> &sort=sum(product(has_photo,10),if(exists(query($agequery)),50,0))
> asc&agequery=age:[53 TO *]
> See for more functions
> But you could also to much of this through boost queries
> &sort=score desc
> &bq=language:FRA^50
> %bq=age:[53 TO *]^20
> > 3. Does Solr provide realtime index updating or updating every N minutes?
> Sure, there is Near Real-time indexing in TRUNK (coming 4.0)
> Jan

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