A little farther down the debug info output you'll find something
like this (I specified fq=name:features)

<arr name="parsed_filter_queries">

so it may well give you some clue. But unless I'm reading things wrong, your
q is going against a field that has much more information than the
CATEGORY_ANALYZED field, is it possible that the data from your
test cases simply isn't _in_ CATEGORY_ANALYZED?


On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:39 AM, elisabeth benoit
<elisaelisael...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not at the office until next Wednesday, and I don't have my Solr under
> hand, but isn't debugQuery=on giving informations only about q parameter
> matching and nothing about fq parameter? Or do you mean
> "parsed_filter_querie"s gives information about fq?
> CATEGORY_ANALYZED is being populated by a copyField instruction in
> schema.xml, and has the same field type as my catchall field, the search
> field for my searchHandler (the one being used by q parameter).
> CATEGORY (a string) is copied in CATEGORY_ANALYZED (field type is text)
> CATEGORY (a string) is copied in catchall field (field type is text), and a
> lot of other fields are copied too in that catchall field.
> So as far as I can see, the same analysis should be done in both cases, but
> obviously I'm missing something, and the only thing I can think of is a
> different behavior between q and fq parameter.
> I'll check that parsed_filter_querie first thing in the morning next
> Wednesday.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Elisabeth
> 2012/4/24 Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>
>> Elisabeth:
>> What shows up in the debug section of the response when you add
>> &debugQuery=on? There should be some bit of that section like:
>> "parsed_filter_queries"
>> My other question is "are you absolutely sure that your
>> CATEGORY_ANALYZED field has the correct content?". How does it
>> get populated?
>> Nothing jumps out at me here....
>> Best
>> Erick
>> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:55 AM, elisabeth benoit
>> <elisaelisael...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > yes, thanks, but this is NOT my question.
>> >
>> > I was wondering why I have multiple matches with q="hotel de ville" and
>> no
>> > match with fq=CATEGORY_ANALYZED:"hotel de ville", since in both case I'm
>> > searching in the same solr fieldType.
>> >
>> > Why is q parameter behaving differently in that case? Why do the quotes
>> > work in one case and not in the other?
>> >
>> > Does anyone know?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Elisabeth
>> >
>> > 2012/4/24 Jeevanandam <je...@myjeeva.com>
>> >
>> >>
>> >> usage of q and fq
>> >>
>> >> q => is typically the main query for the search request
>> >>
>> >> fq => is Filter Query; generally used to restrict the super set of
>> >> documents without influencing score (more info.
>> >> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/**CommonQueryParameters#q<
>> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommonQueryParameters#q>
>> >> )
>> >>
>> >> For example:
>> >> ------------
>> >> q="hotel de ville" ===> returns 100 documents
>> >>
>> >> q="hotel de ville"&fq=price:[100 To *]&fq=roomType:"King size Bed" ===>
>> >> returns 40 documents from super set of 100 documents
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> hope this helps!
>> >>
>> >> - Jeevanandam
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On 24-04-2012 3:08 pm, elisabeth benoit wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hello,
>> >>>
>> >>> I'd like to resume this post.
>> >>>
>> >>> The only way I found to do not split synonyms in words in synonyms.txt
>> it
>> >>> to use the line
>> >>>
>> >>>  <filter class="solr.**SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt"
>> >>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"
>> >>> tokenizerFactory="solr.**KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>> >>>
>> >>> in schema.xml
>> >>>
>> >>> where tokenizerFactory="solr.**KeywordTokenizerFactory"
>> >>>
>> >>> instructs SynonymFilterFactory not to break synonyms into words on
>> white
>> >>> spaces when parsing synonyms file.
>> >>>
>> >>> So now it works fine, "mairie" is mapped into "hotel de ville" and
>> when I
>> >>> send request q="hotel de ville" (quotes are mandatory to prevent
>> analyzer
>> >>> to split hotel de ville on white spaces), I get answers with word
>> >>> "mairie".
>> >>>
>> >>> But when I use fq parameter (fq=CATEGORY_ANALYZED:"hotel de ville"), it
>> >>> doesn't work!!!
>> >>>
>> >>> CATEGORY_ANALYZED is same field type as default search field. This
>> means
>> >>> that when I send q="hotel de ville" and fq=CATEGORY_ANALYZED:"hotel de
>> >>> ville", solr uses the same analyzer, the one with the line
>> >>>
>> >>> <filter class="solr.**SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt"
>> >>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"
>> >>> tokenizerFactory="solr.**KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>.
>> >>>
>> >>> Anyone as a clue what is different between q analysis behaviour and fq
>> >>> analysis behaviour?
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks a lot
>> >>> Elisabeth
>> >>>
>> >>> 2012/4/12 elisabeth benoit <elisaelisael...@gmail.com>
>> >>>
>> >>>  oh, that's right.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> thanks a lot,
>> >>>> Elisabeth
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 2012/4/11 Jeevanandam Madanagopal <je...@myjeeva.com>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>  Elisabeth -
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> As you described, below mapping might suit for your need.
>> >>>>> mairie => hotel de ville, mairie
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> mairie gets expanded to "hotel de ville" and "mairie" at index time.
>>  So
>> >>>>> "mairie" and "hotel de ville" searchable on document.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> However, still white space tokenizer splits at query time will be a
>> >>>>> problem as described by Markus.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> --Jeevanandam
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:30 PM, elisabeth benoit wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> > <<Have you tried the "=>' mapping instead? Something
>> >>>>> > <<like
>> >>>>> > <<hotel de ville => mairie
>> >>>>> > <<might work for you.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Yes, thanks, I've tried it but from what I undestand it doesn't
>> solve
>> >>>>> my
>> >>>>> > problem, since this means hotel de ville will be replace by mairie
>> at
>> >>>>> > index time (I use synonyms only at index time). So when user will
>> ask
>> >>>>> > "hôtel de ville", it won't match.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > In fact, at index time I have mairie in my data, but I want user
>> to be
>> >>>>> able
>> >>>>> > to request "mairie" or "hôtel de ville" and have mairie as answer,
>> and
>> >>>>> not
>> >>>>> > have mairie as an answer when requesting "hôtel".
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > <<To map `mairie` to `hotel de ville` as single token you must
>> escape
>> >>>>> your
>> >>>>> > white
>> >>>>> > <<space.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > <<mairie, hotel\ de\ ville
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > <<This results in  a problem if your tokenizer splits on white
>> space
>> >>>>> at
>> >>>>> > query
>> >>>>> > <<time.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Ok, I guess this means I have a problem. No simple solution since
>> at
>> >>>>> query
>> >>>>> > time my tokenizer do split on white spaces.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > I guess my problem is more or less one of the problems discussed in
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> http://lucene.472066.n3.**nabble.com/Multi-word-**
>> >>>>> synonyms-td3716292.html#**a3717215<
>> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Multi-word-synonyms-td3716292.html#a3717215
>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Thanks a lot for your answers,
>> >>>>> > Elisabeth
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > 2012/4/10 Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> >> Have you tried the "=>' mapping instead? Something
>> >>>>> >> like
>> >>>>> >> hotel de ville => mairie
>> >>>>> >> might work for you.
>> >>>>> >>
>> >>>>> >> Best
>> >>>>> >> Erick
>> >>>>> >>
>> >>>>> >> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 1:41 AM, elisabeth benoit
>> >>>>> >> <elisaelisael...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>> >>> Hello,
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> I've read several post on this issue, but can't find a real
>> solution
>> >>>>> to
>> >>>>> >> my
>> >>>>> >>> multi-words synonyms matching problem.
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> I have in my synonyms.txt an entry like
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> mairie, hotel de ville
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> and my index time analyzer is configured as followed for
>> synonyms.
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> <filter class="solr.**SynonymFilterFactory"
>> synonyms="synonyms.txt"
>> >>>>> >>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> The problem I have is that now "mairie" matches with "hotel" and
>> I
>> >>>>> would
>> >>>>> >>> only want "mairie" to match with "hotel de ville" and "mairie".
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> When I look into the analyzer, I see that "mairie" is mapped into
>> >>>>> >> "hotel",
>> >>>>> >>> and words "de ville" are added in second and third position. To
>> >>>>> change
>> >>>>> >>> that, I tried to do
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> <filter class="solr.**SynonymFilterFactory"
>> synonyms="synonyms.txt"
>> >>>>> >>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"
>> >>>>> >>> tokenizerFactory="solr.**KeywordTokenizerFactory"/> (as I read in
>> >>>>> one
>> >>>>> post)
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> and I can see now in the analyzer that "mairie" is mapped to
>> "hotel
>> >>>>> de
>> >>>>> >>> ville", but now when I have query "hotel de ville", it doesn't
>> match
>> >>>>> at
>> >>>>> >> all
>> >>>>> >>> with "mairie".
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> Anyone has a clue of what I'm doing wrong?
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> I'm using Solr 3.4.
>> >>>>> >>>
>> >>>>> >>> Thanks,
>> >>>>> >>> Elisabeth
>> >>>>> >>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>

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