You wrote "3,5000", but is that 35 hundred (3,500) or 35 thousand (35,000)??

Your numbers seem far worse than what many people typically see with Solr and DIH.

Is the database running on the same machine?

Check the Solr log file to see if some errors (or warnings) might be occurring frequently.

Check the log for the first table from when it starts to when it ends. How often is it committing (according to the log)? Does there seem to be any odd activity during that period?

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Jihyun Suh
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 9:25 PM
To: ;
Subject: Solr, I have perfomance problem for indexing.

I have 128 tables of mysql 5.x and each table have 3,5000 rows.
When I start dataimport(indexing) in Solr, it takes 5 minutes for one
But When Solr indexs 20th table, it takes around 10 minutes for one table.
And then When it indexs 40th table, it takes around 20 minutes for one

Solr has some performance problem for too many documents?
Should I set some configuration?

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