You haven't really told us much about what you're doing here. As Lee
hints, we don't know much about the details of *how* you are doing this.

But unless you're doing something odd, Solr shouldn't be the bottleneck
here. Often when a database import is slow, the problem is in the data-
acquisition bit. That is, your SQL query for some reason gets
slow. That said, with DIH it can be hard to know exactly.

You might want to consider using SolrJ instead of DIH. We've found that
as the import process gets more complex, using SolrJ is often easier. See:


On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:26 AM, Lee Carroll
<> wrote:
> what is your db schema ? do you need to import all the schema ? (128
> joined tables ??)
> or are the tables all independant ? (if so dump them out and import
> them in using csv)
> cheers lee c
> On 7 June 2012 02:32, Jihyun Suh <> wrote:
>> Each table has 35,000 rows. (35 thousands).
>> I will check the log for each step of indexing.
>> I run Solr 3.5.
>> 2012/6/6 Jihyun Suh <>
>>> I have 128 tables of mysql 5.x and each table have 3,5000 rows.
>>> When I start dataimport(indexing) in Solr, it takes 5 minutes for one
>>> table.
>>> But When Solr indexs 20th table, it takes around 10 minutes for one table.
>>> And then When it indexs 40th table, it takes around 20 minutes for one
>>> table.
>>> Solr has some performance problem for too many documents?
>>> Should I set some configuration?

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