Please file a JIRA. And a patch if you are so inclined.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 4:55 AM, Michael Kuhlmann <> wrote:
> Am 08.06.2012 11:55, schrieb Laurent Vaills:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for the details that helped me to take a deeper look in the source
>> code. I noticed that each time a TimeExceededException is caught the
>> method
>>  setPartialResults(true) is called...which seems to be what I'm looking
>> for.
>> I have to investigate, since this partialResults does not seem to be set
>> for the sharded queries.
> Ah, I simply was too blind! ;) The partial results flag indeed is set in the
> response header.
> Then I think this is a bug that it's not filled in a sharded response, or it
> simply is not there when sharding.
> Greeting,
> Kuli

Lance Norskog

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