in your schema.xml you can set the default query parser operator, in
your case <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>, but it's
When you use the edismax, read this: .
mm-param is here the answer.

Best regards

2012/7/2 Steve Fatula <>:
> Let's say a user types in:
> DualHead2Go
> The way solr is working, it splits this into:
> Dual Head 2 Go
> And searches the index for various fields, and finds records where any ONE of 
> them matches.
> Now, if I simply type the search terms Dual Head 2 Go, it finds records where 
> ALL of them match. This is because we set q.op to AND.
> Recently, we went from Solr 3.4 to 3.6, and, 3.4 used to work ok, 3.6 seems o 
> behave differently, or, perhaps we mucked something up.
> So, my question is how do we get Solr search to work with AND when it is 
> splitting words? The splitting part is good, the bad part is that it is 
> searching for any one of those split words.
> Steve

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