Le 4 juil. 2012 à 21:17, Amit Nithian a écrit :
> Thanks for your response! Were you using the SQL database as an object
> store to pull XWiki objects or did you have to execute several queries
> to reconstruct these objects?

The first. It's all fairly transparent.
There are "XWiki Classes" and XWiki objects which are rendered, they live as 
composite of the XWiki-java-objects which hibernate-persisted.

> I don't know much about them sorry..
> Also for those responding, can you provide a few basic metrics for me?
> 1) Number of nodes receiving queries
> 2) Approximate queries per second
> 3) Approximate latency per query

I admire those that have this at hand.

> I know some of this may be sensitive depending on where you work so
> reasonable ranges would be nice (i.e. sub-second isn't hugely helpful
> since 50,100,200 ms have huge impacts depending on your site).

I think caching comes into play here in a very strong manner, so these measures 
are fairly difficult to establish. One Solr I run, in particular, makes 
differences between 100ms (uncached queries) and 9 ms (cached query).


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