On 7/4/2012 1:54 AM, Amit Nithian wrote:
I am curious to know how people are using Solr in conjunction with
other data stores when building search engines to power web sites (say
an ecommerce site). The question I have for the group is given an
architecture where the primary (transactional) data store is MySQL
(Oracle, PostGres whatever) with periodic indexing into Solr, when
your front end issues a search query to Solr and returns results, are
there any joins with your primary Oracle/MySQL etc to help render

We used to pull almost everything from our previous search engine. Shortly after we switched to Solr, we began deploying a new version of our website which pulls more from the original data source. The current goal is to only store just enough data in Solr to render a search result grid (pulling thumbails from the filesystem), but go to the database and the filesystem for detail pages. We'd like to reduce the index size to the point where the whole thing will fit in RAM, which we hope will also reduce the amount of time required for a full reindex.

What I hope to gain out of upgrading to Solr 4: Use the NRT features so that we can index item popularity and purchase data fast enough to make it actually useful.


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