Hi Andy,

Multi-value faceting is a special case of taxonomy. So it is covered by the 
"org.apache.lucene.facet" package (lucene/facet).
This is not per segment but works without "per IndexSearcher" cache.

So imho the taxonomy faceting will work with NRT.

Because of the new TermsEnum#ord() Method the class UnInvertedField already 
lost half of its code-lines. UnInvertedField would work per segment, if the 
"ordinal position for a term" would not change in a commit. Which is the basic 
idea of the taxonomy-solution.

So I am quite sure that Solr will adopt this approach any time.
I do not now about "soon".

Best regards

in context:

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 17:32:52 -0700 (PDT)
> Von: Andy <angelf...@yahoo.com>
> An: "solr-user@lucene.apache.org" <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Betreff: Re: Nrt and caching

> Jason,
> If I just use stock Solr 4.0 without modifying the source code, does that
> mean multi-value faceting will be very slow when I'm constantly
> inserting/updating documents? 
> Which open source library are you referring to? Will Solr adopt this
> per-segment approach any time soon?
> Thanks

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