Hi Pavel,

I tried with group.ngroups=false but didn't notice a big improvement.
The times were still about 4000 ms. It doesn't solve my problem.
Maybe this is because of my index type. I have millions of documents but
only about 20 000 groups.


2012/7/16 Pavel Goncharik <pavel.goncha...@gmail.com>

> Hi Agnieszka ,
> if you don't need number of groups, you can try leaving out
> group.ngroups=true param.
> In this case Solr apparently skips calculating all groups and delivers
> results much faster.
> At least for our application the difference in performance
> with/without group.ngroups=true is significant (have to say, we use
> Solr 3.6).
> WBR,
> Pavel
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Agnieszka Kukałowicz
> <agnieszka.kukalow...@usable.pl> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is the any way to make grouping searches more efficient?
> >
> > My queries look like:
> >
> /select?q=query&group=true&group.field=id&group.facet=true&group.ngroups=true&facet.field=category1&facet.missing=false&facet.mincount=1
> >
> > For index with 3 mln documents query for all docs with group=true takes
> > almost 4000ms. Because queryResultCache is not used next queries take a
> > long time also.
> >
> > When I remove group=true and leave only faceting the query for all docs
> > takes much more less time: for first time ~ 700ms and next runs only
> 200ms
> > because of queryResultCache being used.
> >
> > So with group=true the query is about 20 time slower than without it.
> > Is it possible or is there any way to improve performance with grouping?
> >
> > My application needs grouping feature and all of the queries use it but
> the
> > performance of them is to low for production use.
> >
> > I use Solr 4.x from trunk
> >
> > Agnieszka Kukalowicz

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