
We are running Solr 3.5 multicore in master-slave mode.

-Our delta-import looks like:

The size of the index in 1.18GB

When delta-import is going on, on the slave admin UI
I can see the following output:
Master http://solrmaster01.somedomain.com:8983/solr/core01/replication
Latest Index Version:null, Generation: null
Replicatable Index Version:1342183977587, Generation: 33
Poll Interval 00:00:60
Local Index Index Version: 1342183977585, Generation: 32
Location: /var/somedomain/solr/solrhome/core01/data/index
Size: 1.18 GB
Times Replicated Since Startup: 32
Previous Replication Done At: Mon Jul 16 17:08:58 GMT 2012
Config Files Replicated At: null
Config Files Replicated: null
Times Config Files Replicated Since Startup: null
Next Replication Cycle At: Mon Jul 16 17:09:58 GMT 2012
Current Replication Status Start Time: Mon Jul 16 17:08:58 GMT 2012
Files Downloaded: 12 / 95
*Downloaded: 4.33 KB / 1.18 GB [0.0%]*
*Downloading File: _1o.fdt, Downloaded: 510 bytes / 510 bytes [100.0%]*
Time Elapsed: 22s, Estimated Time Remaining: 6266208s, Speed: 201 bytes/s

- Does "Downloaded: 4.33 KB / *1.18 GB [0.0%]" *means that the solr slave
is going to download the whole 1.18GB?

-I have been monitoring this and the replications takes less that a minute.
And checking the files in the index directory on the slave, the timestamps
are quite different, so apparently, the slave is not downloading the full
index all the time.

-Please, has anyone else seen the whole index size being shown as
denominator of the "Downloaded" fraction?

-Anything I may be doing wrong?

-Also notice the "Files Downloaded: 12 / 95".  That bit never increase
to 95 / 95

Our solrconfig looks like this:

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >
<lst name="master">
 <str name="enable">${enable.master:false}</str>
         <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
         <str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>
<lst name="slave">
 <str name="enable">${enable.slave:false}</str>
         <str name="masterUrl">some-master-full-url</str>
         <str name="pollInterval">00:00:60</str>




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