Just starting to get into SolrCloud using 4.0.0-ALPHA and am very
impressed so far ...

I have a 12-shard index with ~104M docs with each shard having
1-replica (so 24 Solr servers running)

Using the Query form on the Admin panel, I issue the MatchAllDocsQuery
(*:*) and each time I send the request the value for numFound in the
result is different. It's always close but not exactly the same as I
would expect? Can anyone shed some light on this issue? I also tried a
real query, such as "#olympics lochte" and same thing - different
numFound each time. The first page of actual docs returned is the same
so maybe I should just ignore the numFound issue?

Note that while experiencing this behavior, I am not adding any docs
to the index and all docs have been committed with waitFlush=true and
waitSearcher=true on the commit. Also, not doing soft commits at this
point. In addition, after having committed all 104M docs, I hit the
optimize button the panel so I have only 1 segment. In other words,
the index is not being updated and has been optimized at this point.

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