Please take a look at the Apache Nutch project.
-----Original message-----
> From:Lochschmied, Alexander <>
> Sent: Wed 05-Sep-2012 17:09
> To:
> Subject: Website (crawler for) indexing
> This may be a bit off topic: How do you index an existing website and control 
> the data going into index?
> We already have Java code to process the HTML (or XHTML) and turn it into a 
> SolrJ Document (removing tags and other things we do not want in the index). 
> We use SolrJ for indexing.
> So I guess the question is essentially which Java crawler could be useful.
> We used to use wget on command line in our publishing process, but we do no 
> longer want to do that.
> Thanks,
> Alexander

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