
You can implement your own crawler using Droids
(http://incubator.apache.org/droids/) or use Apache Nutch
(http://nutch.apache.org/), which is very easy to integrate with Solr
and is very powerful crawler.

 Rafał Kuć
 Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch - ElasticSearch

> This may be a bit off topic: How do you index an existing website
> and control the data going into index?

> We already have Java code to process the HTML (or XHTML) and turn
> it into a SolrJ Document (removing tags and other things we do not
> want in the index). We use SolrJ for indexing.
> So I guess the question is essentially which Java crawler could be useful.

> We used to use wget on command line in our publishing process, but we do no 
> longer want to do that.

> Thanks,
> Alexander

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