The character is actually  - “ and not "

*Pranav Prakash*

"temet nosce"

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Pranav Prakash <> wrote:

> I am experiencing similar problem related to encoding. In my case, the
> char like " (double quote)
> is also garbaled.
> I believe this is because the encoding in my MySQL table is latin1 and in
> the JDBC it is being specified as UTF-8. Is there a way to specify latin1
> charset in JDBC? probably that would resolve this.
> *Pranav Prakash*
> "temet nosce"
> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 9/6/2012 6:54 PM, kiran chitturi wrote:
>>> The error i am getting is 'org.apache.solr.common.**SolrException:
>>> Invalid
>>> Date String: '1345743552'.
>>>   I think it was being saved as a string in DB, so i will use the
>>> DateFormatTransformer.
>> To go along with all the other replies that you have gotten:  I import
>> from MySQL with a unix format date field.  It's a bigint, not a string, but
>> a quick test on MySQL 5.1 shows that the function works with strings too.
>>  This is how my SELECT handles that field - I have MySQL convert it before
>> it gets to Solr:
>> from_unixtime(`d`.`post_date`) AS `pd`
>> When it comes to the character set issues, this is how I have defined the
>> driver in the dataimport config.  The character set in the database is utf8.
>>   <dataSource type="JdbcDataSource"
>>     driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
>>     encoding="UTF-8"
>> url="jdbc:mysql://${**dataimporter.request.dbHost}:**
>> 3306/${dataimporter.request.**dbSchema}?**zeroDateTimeBehavior=**
>> convertToNull"
>>     batchSize="-1"
>>     user="<removed>"
>>     password="<removed>"/>
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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