We're running Solr 3.4, a fairly out-of-the-box solr/jetty setup, with
-Xms1200m -Xmx3500m .  When we start pushing more than a couple documents
per second at it (PDFs, they go through SolrCell/Tika/PDFBox), the java
process hangs, becoming completely unresponsive.

We thought it might be an issue with PDFBox was problematic with lots of
blocked threads, but now we've also noticed that all the thread dumps show
a similar situation in the heap, where three of the areas are at 99%, even
though we don't get any out-of-memory messages.

   PSYoungGen      total 796416K, used 386330K
    eden space 398208K, 97% used
    from space 398208K, 0% used
    to   space 398208K, 0% used
    object space 2389376K, 99% used
    object space 53824K, 99% used

We've also just noticed that after restarting Solr, the PermGen space grows
steadily until it hits 99% and then just stays there.

1) Is that behavior of PermGen normal, growing steadily to 99% and then
staying there?  Apparently we can increase PermSpace
to -XX:MaxPermSize=128M , but if there's a memory leak that only postpones
the problem.

2) If all three of those indicators are pegged at 99%, I would think that
the JVM would throw an out-of-memory exception, rather than just
withdrawing into its own navel, is that expected behavior or is it
indicative of anything else?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Kevin M. Goess
Software Engineer
Berkeley Electronic Press

510-665-1200 x179

bepress: sustainable scholarly publishing

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