On 26 September 2012 23:47, Billy Newman <newman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To be a little more specific, the error message I get is:
> "forEach cannot start with '//'"
> Cannot really find anything on this except for
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1437.  Which only talks
> about using '//' for the xpath attribute in the field tag, nothing
> about using '//' in a forEach attribute.

You are probably running into a limitation on what XPath
syntax Solr can handle.

Have never tried this, but one possibility might be to use
XSLT to get all the <item> elements. The DIH "entity"
element can be given a "xsl" attribute for this. Please
see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler , and
search Google for examples on using XSLT with Solr DIH.

Your other alternative is to extract the <item> elements
before indexing into Solr. You could do that inside SolrJ,
for example.


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