3.6 has some quirks around parsing pure negative queries sometimes. Try
*:* -whatever.

BTW, a syntax I like for doing delete-by-query just in a raw URL is
-store_0_coordinate:[* TO *]</query></delete>

The curl you used is, of course, fine. I just find the above easier.


On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Markus.Mirsberger
<markus.mirsber...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Yes Im sure.
> I commited a second time too to be sure.
> And I tried to delete just one entry with the same command but without a
> negated query and this worked.
> I think the problem is that its a negated query.
> Markus
> On 22.10.2012 14:46, Patrick Plaatje wrote:
>> Did you make sure to commit after the delete?
>> Patrick
>> Op 22 okt. 2012 08:43 schreef "Markus.Mirsberger"
>> <markus.mirsber...@gmx.de>
>> het volgende:
>>> Hi, Patrick,
>>> Because I have the same amount of documents in my index than before I
>>> perform the query.
>>> And when I use the negated query just to select the documents I can see
>>> they still there (and of course all other documents too :) )
>>> Regards,
>>> Markus
>>> On 22.10.2012 14:38, Patrick Plaatje wrote:
>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>> Why do you think it's not deleting amyrhing,?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Patrick
>>>> Op 22 okt. 2012 08:36 schreef "Markus.Mirsberger" <
>>>> markus.mirsber...@gmx.de>
>>>> het volgende:
>>>>   Hi,
>>>>> I am trying to delete a some documents in my index by query.
>>>>> When I just select them with this negated query, I get all the
>>>>> documents
>>>>> I
>>>>> want to delete but when I use this query in the DeleteByQuery it is not
>>>>> working
>>>>> Im trying to delete all elements which value ends with 'somename/' ....
>>>>> When I use this for selection it works and I get exactly the right
>>>>> documents (about 10.000. so too many to delete one by one:) )
>>>>> curl http://<solrip>:8080/solr/****core/update/?commit=true -H
>>>>> "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary '<update><delete><query>-**
>>>>> field:*somename/</query></****delete></update>';
>>>>> And here the response:
>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>> <response>
>>>>> <lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int><int
>>>>> name="QTime">11091</int></lst>
>>>>> </response>
>>>>> I tried to perform it in the browser too by using /update?stream.body
>>>>>   ...
>>>>> but the result is the same.
>>>>> And no Error in the Solr-Log.
>>>>> I hope someone can help me ... I dont want do this manually :)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Markus

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