On 26 October 2012 20:01, mroosendaal <mroosend...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> None taken:-)
> Here's the info

The DIH configuration, and schema look fine. I have
not used the new caching setup in 4.0 enough to
comment on it.

> *what i;ve tried*
> * importing only the products --> worked
> * importing only the songs (as the root entity) --> worked
> * importing products and songs (as a subentity) --> every product gets the
> same songtitle but no 'te_beluisteren'-field

This is an indication that the SELECT is failing for the sub-entity.
I cannot quite see why that would be the case, but is it possible
that Oracle column names are case sensitive? I am not familiar
with Oracle.

Could you manually try the sub-entity SELECT, e.g.,
select * from END_FRG_FEATURES_VW where PDT_ID=XX
where XX is some product ID that you know has related

I am guessing that every product getting the same song
title is an artifact of caching. I believe that you said that
if you took out the caching, the song title was also not


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