On 10/26/2012 9:41 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
On the dashboard of the GUI, it lists all the jvm arguments. Include those.

Click Java Properties and gather the "java.runtime.version" and
"java.specification.vendor" information.

After one of the long update times, pause/stop your indexing application.
Click on your core in the GUI, open Plugins/Stats, and paste the following
bits with a header to indicate what each section is:


Thank you Shawn. The information is here:

Warming doesn't seem to be a problem here -- all your warm times are zero, so I am going to take a guess that it may be a heap/GC issue. I would recommend starting with the following additional arguments to your JVM. Since I have no idea how solr gets started on your server, I don't know where you would add these:

-Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled

This allocates 4GB of RAM to java, sets up a larger than normal Eden space in the heap, and uses garbage collection options that usually fare better in a server environment than the default.Java memory management options are like religion to some people ... I may start a flamewar with these recommendations. ;) The best I can tell you about these choices: They made a big difference for me.

I would also recommend switching to a Sun/Oracle jvm. I have heard that previous versions of Solr were not happy on variants like OpenJDK, I have no idea whether that might still be the case with 4.0. If you choose to do this, you probably have package choices in Ubuntu. I know that in Debian, the package is called sun-java6-jre ... Ubuntu is probably something similar. Debian has a CLI command 'update-java-alternatives' that will quickly switch between different java implementations that are installed. Hopefully Ubuntu also has this. If not, you might need the following command instead to switch the main java executable:

update-alternatives --config java


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