On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> Taking all the information I've seen so far, my bet is on either cache
> warming or heap/GC trouble as the source of your problem.  It's now specific
> information gathering time.  Can you gather all the following information
> and put it into a web paste page, such as pastie.org, and reply with the
> link?  I have gathered the same information from my test server and created
> a pastie example. http://pastie.org/5118979
> On the dashboard of the GUI, it lists all the jvm arguments. Include those.
> Click Java Properties and gather the "java.runtime.version" and
> "java.specification.vendor" information.
> After one of the long update times, pause/stop your indexing application.
> Click on your core in the GUI, open Plugins/Stats, and paste the following
> bits with a header to indicate what each section is:
> CACHE->filterCache
> CACHE->queryResultCache
> CORE->searcher
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Thank you Shawn. The information is here:

Dotan Cohen


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