Hi Trym

I believe one of the reasons that they started throwing RuntimeExceptions insted of UnknownHostException, TimeoutException etc is that the method signature has changed to not have a "throws"-part. They probably do not want do deal with those checked exceptions. Im not sure I completely understand your suggestion, but if they want to keep the method signature this way, there is not way to get checked excpetions (like UnknownHostException and TimeoutException) out of this method - therefore best solution is at least to include the actual exceptions as cause on the RuntimeExceptions. Or maybe it is just an accident that the checked excpetions was removed from the method signature, and then of course you can add them again at make sure the actual exceptions are propagated correctly.

Regards, Per Steffensen

Trym R. Møller skrev:

The constructor of SolrZKClient has changed, I expect to ensure clean up of resources. The strategy is as follows:
connManager = new ConnectionManager(...)
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
      throw new RuntimeException();
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
  throw new RuntimeException();

This results in a different exception (RuntimeException) returned from the constructor as earlier (nice exceptions as UnknownHostException, TimeoutException).

Can this be changed so we keep the old nice exceptions e.g. as follows (requiring the constructor to declare these) or at least include them as cause in the RuntimeException?

boolean closeBecauseOfException = true;
try {
   closeBecauseOfException = false
} finally {
    if (closeBecauseOfException) {

Any comments appreciated.

Best regards Trym


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