Please file a JIRA issue for this change.

- Mark

On Nov 9, 2012, at 8:41 AM, Trym R. Møller <> wrote:

> Hi
> The constructor of SolrZKClient has changed, I expect to ensure clean up of 
> resources. The strategy is as follows:
> connManager = new ConnectionManager(...)
> try {
>    ...
> } catch (Throwable e) {
>      connManager.close();
>      throw new RuntimeException();
> }
> try {
>  connManager.waitForConnected(clientConnectTimeout);
> } catch (Throwable e) {
>  connManager.close();
>  throw new RuntimeException();
> }
> This results in a different exception (RuntimeException) returned from the 
> constructor as earlier (nice exceptions as UnknownHostException, 
> TimeoutException).
> Can this be changed so we keep the old nice exceptions e.g. as follows 
> (requiring the constructor to declare these) or at least include them as 
> cause in the RuntimeException?
> boolean closeBecauseOfException = true;
> try {
>    ...
>   connManager.waitForConnected(clientConnectTimeout);
>   closeBecauseOfException = false
> } finally {
>    if (closeBecauseOfException) {
>        connManager.close();
>    }
> }
> Any comments appreciated.
> Best regards Trym

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