The UI is under Solr, but actual operations I think are still under
 /solr/admin and /solr/corename/admin :
  <requestHandler name="/admin/"  class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />

I wonder if it is possible to protect those resources and whether the
browser will pop-up the authentication on first access (even if from AJAX
call). Or it might be possible to have a fake resource loading from that
area to force auth request?


Personal blog:
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Michael Long <>wrote:

> It doesn't... you would have to do this with jetty or tomcat. But I
> noticed with 4.0 it no longer lives under /admin but rather /solr...and
> that means you can't just password-protect it without password-protecting
> all of solr. If I am wrong, please let me know...I would love to protect it
> somehow
> On 11/16/2012 10:55 AM, Marcin Rzewucki wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anybody know if SOLR supports Admin Page authentication ?
>> I'm using Jetty from the latest solr package. I added security option to
>> start.ini:
>> OPTIONS=Server,webapp,security
>> and in configuration file I have (according to Jetty documentation):
>>      <!-- ==============================**=============================
>> -->
>>      <!-- Configure Authentication Login Service                      -->
>>      <!-- ==============================**=============================
>> -->
>>      <Call name="addBean">
>>        <Arg>
>>          <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.**security.HashLoginService">
>>            <Set name="name">Test Realm</Set>
>>            <Set name="config"><Property name="jetty.home"
>> default="."/>/etc/realm.**properties</Set>
>>            <Set name="refreshInterval">0</Set>
>>          </New>
>>        </Arg>
>>      </Call>
>> However, it does not seem to be working. Is something missing or it won't
>> work for Solr ?
>> Kind regards.

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