Does anybody have any info on how to property construct a multipolygon

Im very interested in

Polygon (search all documents within a shape)
Multipolygon (search all documents within 2+ shapes)
Multipolygon (search all documents with 2+ shapes but not within an area
within a shape - if you can image a donut where you dont search within the
hole in the center)

Im trying to search 2 shapes but get errors at the moment. Polygon searches
work just fine so I have everything installed correctly, but 2 shapes in the
one search as per below is not working. I cant find anything on the net to
try and debug Multipolygons.

My multipolygon query looks like this.
fq=geo:"Intersects(MULTIPOLYGON ((149.4023 -34.6072, 149.4023 -34.8690,
149.9022 -34.8690, 149.9022 -34.6072, 149.4023 -34.6072)), ((151.506958
-33.458943, 150.551147 -33.60547, 151.00708 -34.257216, 151.627808
-33.861293, 151.506958 -33.458943)))"

And I get this error.

error reading WKT

But a polygon search works fine.
fq=geo:"Intersects(POLYGON((149.4023 -34.6072, 149.4023 -34.8690, 149.9022
-34.8690, 149.9022 -34.6072, 149.4023 -34.6072)))" 

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