On 11/21/2012 12:36 AM, stockii wrote:
okay. i will try out more RAM.

i am using not much caching because of "near-realt-time"-search. in this
case its better to increase xmn or only xmx and xms?

I have personally found that increasing the size of the young generation (Eden) is beneficial to Solr, at least if you are using the parallel GC options. I theorize that the collector for the young generation is more efficient than the full GC, but that's just a guess. When I started doing that, the amount of time my Solr JVM spent doing garbage collection went way down, even though the number of garbage collections went up.

Lately I have been increasing the Eden size by using -XX:NewRatio=1 rather than an explicit value on -Xmn. This has one advantage - if you change the min/max heap size, the same value for NewRatio will still work.

Here are the options that I am currently using in production with Java6:


Here is what I am planning for the future with Solr4 and beyond with Java7, including an environment variable for Xmx. Due to the experimental nature of the G1 collector, I would only trust it with the latest Java releases, especially for Java6. The Unlock option is not required on Java7, only Java6.



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