Or, maybe integrate /browse with the Solr Admin UI and give it a graphic treatment that screams that it is a development tool and not designed to be a model for an app UI.

And, I still think it would be good to include SOME example of a prototype app UI with Solr, to drive home the point of "here is [an example of] how you need to separate UI from Solr."

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Erik Hatcher
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 9:29 AM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to change Solr UI

On Dec 4, 2012, at 08:21 , Jack Krupansky wrote:

"let's also be clear always that Solr is meant to be behind the firewall"

Absolutely, but we are NOT doing that when we provide the Velocity-based /browse UI. Erik, your email example sounds reasonable, so if you want to substitute something like that for the /browse handler, fine. As you point out, it is not Velocity per se, but the /browse UI that results in a lack of clarity about Solr being meant to be behind the firewall.

Point taken about being clear about this. But I disagree about removing /browse. It's useful, even if misunderstood/abused by some. If there are spots where we need to be clearer about what it is that is being rendered, how it's rendered, and the pros/cons to it, then let's see about getting it mentioned more clearly.

But do keep in mind that something like this example: having Solr return suggestion lists as plain text suitable for suggest interfaces rather than having it return JSON or XML and having a middle tier process it when all you need is a plain list or some CSV. It's quite fine and sensible to use wt=velocity "behind the firewall" too, even /browse as-is. Same as with the XSL transformation writing capability.


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