On 20/12/12 13:38, Upayavira wrote:
The backup directory should just be a clone of the index files. I'm
curious to know whether it is a cp -r or a cp -lr that the replication
handler produces.

You would prevent commits by telling your app not to commit. That is,
Solr only commits when it is *told* to.

Unless you use autocommit, in which case I guess you could monitor your
logs for the last commit, and do your backup a 10 seconds after that.

Hmm. Strange - the files created by the backup API don't seem to correlate exactly with the files stored under the solr data directory:

andydj@me-solr01:~$ find /tmp/snapshot.20121220155853703/
andydj@me-solr01:~$ find /var/lib/solr/data/index/

Am I correct in thinking that to restore from this backup, I would need to do the following?

1. Stop Tomcat (or maybe just solr)
2. Remove all files under /var/lib/solr/data/index/
3. Move/copy files from /tmp/snapshot.20121220155853703/ to /var/lib/solr/data/index/
4. Restart Tomcat (or just solr)

Thanks everyone who's pitched in on this! Once I've got this working, I'll document it.

Andy D'Arcy Jewell

SysMicro Limited
Linux Support
E:  andy.jew...@sysmicro.co.uk
W:  www.sysmicro.co.uk

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