> I want to avoid duplicate values in
> one multivalued field.
> i am using dataimport handler to import data,  the
> particular multivalued
> field are being filled from xml source. now that xml has
> duplicate values,
> but i want to have unique valued in this multivalued field.
> e.g. xml
> <data>
>      a1 
>      b1 
>      a1 
>      a1 
> </data>
> i have added RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory in data type
> of the field,
> in index analyzer.
> still it gives below o/p.
> <arr name="field">
>   <str>a1</str>
>   <str>b1</str>
>   <str>a1</str>
>   <str>a1</str>
> </arr>
> i am using solr 3.5.
> how can i avoid importing duplicate values in the field?

RDTF removes duplicates at the same position. 

Elegant solution would be subclass the 

and create DistinctFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory or something like that. 
MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory can be used as an example.

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