
I think what you are seeing is a general thing.  Regular search is slower
while there is indexing, too, of course.
So maybe it's best to mentally decouple indexing part here and simply make
your calls as fast as possible without indexing.  Then you can add indexing
and play with things like ramBufferSizeMB and anything else that has the
potential of making indexing "gentler" on resources, be that CPU or disk

Solr & ElasticSearch Support

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Marcin Rzewucki <mrzewu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using SolrCloud4x. I've experienced some problem with StatsComponent.
> It looks like query time increases during indexing. For example the
> following query:
> http://host:8983/solr/core/select?q=*:*&wt=xml&shards.tolerant=true&stats=true&stats.field=total_assets_stl&stats.field=eur_total_revenues_stl&stats.field=eur_total_assets_stl&stats.field=total_revenues_stl&stats.field=usd_total_revenues_stl&stats.field=usd_total_assets_stl&stats.field=eur_total_assets_stl&rows=0
> takes less than 1s when there's no indexing in background and more than 1s
> to couple of seconds while indexing. I'm using Trie fields with
> precisionStep set to -1 (it was precisionStep="8" before, but query times
> were much worse, so I changed it). My SolrCloud uses m1.large nodes in AWS
> (7.5 GiB), mmap for index reading and 2GB for JVM, default settings for
> cache. I wonder what is the reason that StatsComponent is much slower
> during indexing ? Or is it normal behaviour ? Is it possible to improve it
> ? Any ideas are welcome.
> Thanks!

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