Thanks. I guess you're right - it's normal behaviour. Are there some
guidelines how to use ramBufferSizeMB or only by testing ? Do you know if
DIH is "gentler" than indexing via REST or solrj API ?
Kind regards.

On 4 January 2013 23:14, Otis Gospodnetic <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I think what you are seeing is a general thing.  Regular search is slower
> while there is indexing, too, of course.
> So maybe it's best to mentally decouple indexing part here and simply make
> your calls as fast as possible without indexing.  Then you can add indexing
> and play with things like ramBufferSizeMB and anything else that has the
> potential of making indexing "gentler" on resources, be that CPU or disk
> or...
> Otis
> --
> Solr & ElasticSearch Support
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Marcin Rzewucki <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm using SolrCloud4x. I've experienced some problem with StatsComponent.
> > It looks like query time increases during indexing. For example the
> > following query:
> >
> >
> >
> http://host:8983/solr/core/select?q=*:*&wt=xml&shards.tolerant=true&stats=true&stats.field=total_assets_stl&stats.field=eur_total_revenues_stl&stats.field=eur_total_assets_stl&stats.field=total_revenues_stl&stats.field=usd_total_revenues_stl&stats.field=usd_total_assets_stl&stats.field=eur_total_assets_stl&rows=0
> >
> > takes less than 1s when there's no indexing in background and more than
> 1s
> > to couple of seconds while indexing. I'm using Trie fields with
> > precisionStep set to -1 (it was precisionStep="8" before, but query times
> > were much worse, so I changed it). My SolrCloud uses m1.large nodes in
> > (7.5 GiB), mmap for index reading and 2GB for JVM, default settings for
> > cache. I wonder what is the reason that StatsComponent is much slower
> > during indexing ? Or is it normal behaviour ? Is it possible to improve
> it
> > ? Any ideas are welcome.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >

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