On 1/8/2013 3:11 PM, ddineshkumar wrote:

I am using SOLR for indexing documents.I create index from a mysql database.
I create index from PHP which runs on wamp server. I am using SOLR PHP
client to create index. When I create index from the server on which SOLR is
deployed, everything works fine. But when I try to create index from a
different machine, I get the following error:

'0' Status: Communication Error

I tried changing php socket time out, solr commitlocktimeout and solr
writelocktimeout. But still I get the same error. When I create index from
the solr server itslef, there is no error.

When this happens, it is usually firewall software blocking the connection. If that doesn't seem to be the case, get a packet capture at the solr server and look to see what that indicates.


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