On 1/26/2013 12:55 AM, Rahul Bishnoi wrote:
Thanks for quick reply and addressing each point queried.

Additional asked information is mentioned below:

OS = Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit)
Sun Java 7 (64 bit)
Total RAM = 8GB

SolrConfig.xml is available at http://pastebin.com/SEFxkw2R


The MaxPermGenSize could be a contributing factor. The documents where you have 1000 words are somewhat large, though your overall index size is pretty small. I would try removing the MaxPermGenSize option and see what happens. You can also try reducing the ramBufferSizeMB in solrconfig.xml. The default in previous versions of Solr was 32, which is big enough for most things, unless you are indexing HUGE documents like entire books.

It looks like you have the cache sizes under <query> at values close to default. I wouldn't decrease the documentCache any - in fact an increase might be a good thing there. As for the others, you could probably reduce them. The filterCache size I would start at 64 or 128. Watch your cache hitratios to see whether the changes make things remarkably worse.

If that doesn't help, try increasing the -Xmx option - first 3072m, next 4096m. You could go as high as 6GB and not run into any OS cache problems with your small index size, though you might run into long GC pauses.

Indexing, especially big documents, is fairly memory intensive. Some queries can be memory intensive as well, especially those using facets or a lot of clauses.

Under normal operation, I could probably get away with a 3GB heap size, but I have it at 8GB because otherwise a full reindex (full-import from mysql) runs into OOM errors.


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