Hi Shawn,

Thanks for your reply. After following your suggestions we were able to
index 30k documents. I have some queries:

1) What is stored in the RAM while only indexing is going on?  How to
calculate the RAM/heap requirements for our documents?
2) The document cache, filter cache, etc...are populated while querying.
Correct me if I am wrong. Are there any caches that are populated while


On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 11:46 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 1/26/2013 12:55 AM, Rahul Bishnoi wrote:
>> Thanks for quick reply and addressing each point queried.
>> Additional asked information is mentioned below:
>> OS = Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit)
>> Sun Java 7 (64 bit)
>> Total RAM = 8GB
>> SolrConfig.xml is available at http://pastebin.com/SEFxkw2R
> Rahul,
> The MaxPermGenSize could be a contributing factor.  The documents where
> you have 1000 words are somewhat large, though your overall index size is
> pretty small.  I would try removing the MaxPermGenSize option and see what
> happens.  You can also try reducing the ramBufferSizeMB in solrconfig.xml.
>  The default in previous versions of Solr was 32, which is big enough for
> most things, unless you are indexing HUGE documents like entire books.
> It looks like you have the cache sizes under <query> at values close to
> default.  I wouldn't decrease the documentCache any - in fact an increase
> might be a good thing there.  As for the others, you could probably reduce
> them.  The filterCache size I would start at 64 or 128.  Watch your cache
> hitratios to see whether the changes make things remarkably worse.
> If that doesn't help, try increasing the -Xmx option - first 3072m, next
> 4096m.  You could go as high as 6GB and not run into any OS cache problems
> with your small index size, though you might run into long GC pauses.
> Indexing, especially big documents, is fairly memory intensive.  Some
> queries can be memory intensive as well, especially those using facets or a
> lot of clauses.
> Under normal operation, I could probably get away with a 3GB heap size,
> but I have it at 8GB because otherwise a full reindex (full-import from
> mysql) runs into OOM errors.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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