In response to my thoughts about using DOM as an intermediate representation 
for schema elements, for use in lazy re-loading on schema change, Erik Hatcher 
argued against (solely) using XML for schema serialization 

        IMO - The XMLness of the current Solr schema needs to be isolated
        to only one optional way of constructing an IndexSchema instance.
        We want less XML rather than more. (for example, it should be
        possible to have a relational database that contains a model of
        a schema and load it that way)

I was hoping to avoid dealing with round-tripping XML comments (of which there 
are many in schema.xml).  My thought was that an XML->JSON conversion tool 
would insert "description" properties on the enclosing/adjacent object when it 
encounters comments.  But I suppose the same process could be applied to 
schema.xml: XML comments could be converted to <description> elements, and then 
when serializing changes, any user-inserted comments would be stripped.

The other concern is about schema "ownership": dealing with schemas that mix 
hand-editing with Solr modification/serialization would likely be harder than 
supporting just one of them.  But I suppose there is already a set of validity 
checks, so maybe this wouldn't be so bad? 


On Mar 6, 2013, at 1:35 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:

> bq. Change Solr schema serialization from XML to JSON, and provide an 
> XML->JSON conversion tool.
> What is the motivation for the change? I think if you are sitting down and 
> looking to design a schema, working with the XML is fairly nice and fast. I 
> picture that a lot of people would start by working with the XML file to get 
> it how they want, and then perhaps do future changes with the rest API. When 
> you are developing, starting with the rest API feels fairly cumbersome if you 
> have to make a lot of changes/additions/removals.
> So why not just keep the XML and add the rest API? Do we gain much by 
> switching it to JSON? I like JSON when it comes to rest, but when I think 
> about editing a large schema doc locally, XML seems much easier to deal with.
> - Mark

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