On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:50 PM, Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> I think it would make a lot of sense -- not just in terms of 
> implementation but also for end user clarity -- to have some simple, 
> straightforward to understand caveats about maintaining schema 
> information...
> 1) If you want to keep schema information in an authoritative config file 
> that you can manually edit, then the /schema REST API will be read only. 
> 2) If you wish to use the /schema REST API for read and write operations, 
> then schema information will be persisted under the covers in a data store 
> whose format is an implementation detail just like the index file format.
> 3) If you are using a schema config file and you wish to switch to using 
> the /schema REST API for managing schema information, there is a 
> tool/command/API you can run to so.
> 4) if you are using the /schema REST API for managing schema information, 
> and you wish to switch to using a schema config file, there is a 
> tool/command/API you can run to export the schema info if a config file 
> format.


> ...wether of not the "under the covers in a data store" used by the REST 
> API is JSON, or some binary data, or an XML file just schema.xml w/o 
> whitespace/comments should be an implementation detail.  Likewise is the 
> question of wether some new config file formats are added -- it shouldn't 
> matter.
> If it's config it's config and the user owns it.
> If it's data it's data and the system owns it.

Calling the system-owned file 'schema.dat', rather than 'schema.json' (i.e., 
extension=format), would help to reinforce this black-box view.


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